NewMedia Centre Stories

Teacher – Classroom Simulator using AI

In collaboration with Hogeschool Fontys, SEC from TU Delft, and XR Zone, we embarked on creating an AI-driven Teacher Classroom Simulator for didactics courses. Our aim was to explore the potential of VR in teaching and provide educators with a virtual training ground. Lecturers applying VR capabilities to implement innovative didactic methodologies for teaching students. Additionally, XR Zone offers an alternative pedagogical solution, leveraging cutting-edge technology to facilitate knowledge transfer within the classroom.

Their didactic approach prioritises practical applications, applying VR to enhance learning experiences.

“Their didactic approach prioritises practical applications, applying VR to enhance learning experiences”

The project grew from a shared passion for improving teaching through VR. Initially, we focused on education and AI.

The Educational Environment provides immersive classroom experiences with helpful feedback. We tested text prompts and verbal cues to help teachers, using VR to make learning more engaging.

On the AI side, virtual students act like real ones, evaluating teaching skills with voice and behaviour tracking. Two years of development, with a year of refining, taught us a lot from trials with new teachers. Our goal is to make our platform accessible for others and adaptable to different teaching situations to provide immersive education.

Initiator: Margreet Docter
Dr. K.D. Beekman

Tamara De Vries,
Alfin Thomas

Huu Dat Nguyen

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