Graphic DesignInterspeech 2025READMOREGraphic DesignHistory of Safety ScienceREADMOREGraphic DesignFuture horizonsREADMORE Graphic Design We are design wizards and experts in visual communication. We help to communicate ideas
Graphic DesignInterspeech 2025READMOREGraphic DesignHistory of Safety ScienceREADMOREGraphic DesignFuture horizonsREADMORE Graphic Design We are design wizards and experts in visual communication. We help to communicate ideas
As of January 1, 2024, the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE) has changed its name to Mechanical Engineering. The NewMedia Centre was asked to produce a short video to promote this change at the front of the faculty building.
Students from Industrial Design Engineering reached out for support in the XR Zone where they created a VR application for their Bachelor End Project (BEP).
What is needed to achieve sustainable aviation? How can we accelerate that innovation? And what can we do for the existing fleet of aircraft? In this Pioneering Tech video, Rinze Benedictus and Marios Kotsonis provide answers.
Sarah – AI driven MetaHuman
Introducing Sarah, the remarkable AI-driven MetaHuman born from the innovative fusion of diverse projects and cutting-edge AI experimentation.
The availability of the physical University Labs may be limited due to its capacity or other factors, like the mandatory requirement to work from home
In today’s constantly evolving education landscape, there is a growing demand for innovative solutions driven by the integration of cutting-edge technologies. This demand sparked the
NewMedia Centre
Located at the Faculty of IDE
Building 32 | room D-0-110
Landbergstraat 15
2628 CE Delft
T +31 (0)15 278 5082